Madame Antonnette


It was realized at the very young age of 8yrs old by Madame Antonnette’s mother Mary that her daughter had healing abilities. That the gifts of her ancestors were passed down to her daughter. She would lay hands on her mother’s knee saying she was removing the discomfort from her and after she finished she would complain of feeling the pain her mother was experiencing. Her abilities have grown over the years. Her intellectual background as a registered nurse of greater than 20 years has aided her in the ability to recognize and provide intuitive healing. She is a psychic medium as well. Madame Antonnette has helped loved ones connect for over 10 years, providing healing and closure. She’s able to see in great detail your life situations and circumstances. She can connect with loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. They communicate through her giving detailed information about their past together. Helping to heal hearts and situations that occurred while they were living on earth. She also uses tarot cards as well as other tools to get further details. She has been using her gifts to help those near and far. She has been helping others for 8yrs now. Madame Antonnette believes we are all LOVE. We are all connected by Love. She works with Spirit, God, and Source to help in assisting and guiding clients through their life’s journey here on Earth to receive and experience all that it has to offer.