

“I met Madame Antonnett about one year ago through a friend of mine because I was having some personal problems since my husband died.   I called her one day and I had my reading.  I couldn’t believe how she read me like a book. She knew exactly what I was going through.  She also reminded me that our time is not spirit’s time.  Well, this year one of the prophecies she gave me came to pass.  I went through trials but it came to pass just like she spoke it.”

— Sandra


“Madame Antoinette is Amazing!! During a reading with her, she revealed things I had never shared with anyone. I felt so at peace afterward.  She is the REAL DEAL!”

— Sharonda

“I had a reading with Madam Antonette that was out of this world, predictions were very accurate and I did not have to say a word. All I can say is right now waiting on a ring 💍. Worth my time and then some.”